Our products are sustainable. Aluminum is a raw material that can be recycled 100% and infinitely. In our factories, the machinery is electric and powered by photovoltaic systems.
Made in Italy
Our Made in Italy, particularly appreciated by international customers, is synonymous with guarantee and quality.
Research and innovation
We have specialized consultants who carry out an intensive research and experimentation activity to offer increasingly innovative solutions that can meet the challenges of the future.
Effezeta presents the first edition of “Effezeta Connect Expo”, an open day event designed to welcome customers from all over Central and Southern Italy and invite them to experience the company’s soul firsthand in a day of exchange, comparison, and sharing guided by the Effezeta team. For over 20 years, Effezeta has pursued a single goal: to offer modern and functional design solutions to improve people’s quality of life. Effezeta Connect Expo is designed to show how Effezeta does this